Tuesday, April 20, 2010

March 25th: Easter Bunny Cake Decorating,Easter Bami Ballen Project and Easter Egg Hunt

March 25th was our last session before Spring Break. We celebrated Easter with an egg hunt and two Easter projects. The first--an Easter Bunny cake that the moms decorated with frosting,food colouring and jelly beans. After admiring the results of their work; the bunny was cut up and served for snack.

El 25 de Marzo fe la ulitma secission antes de spring Break. Nosotros celebramos el Dia de Pascuals con una busceda de huevos y dos proyectos de Pascuals. El primero fe un pastel de forma de conejo que las mamas decoraron con frosting, color de comida y jelly beans. Despues de amirar los resultados de nuestro trabajo nos lo comimos como un snack.

This is the finished product. Love his great polka dot bow-tie.

Este es el resultado final . Amamos su corbata de puntos.

We made an Easter Bami Ballen --which is a small toy or a wrapped piece of candy wrapped in layers of crepe paper with other small toys or candies inserted in the layers of wrapping. The end result comes out in a round 'ball' shape and can be decorated with stickers and tied with a colourful ribbon.

Nosotros hecimos un Bami Ballen de Pascua-- es un jugete  pequeno 0 pedasos de dulce enbuleto con papel de crepe con otros peqenos jugetes o dulces. El resulatdo final salioen forma de una bolla. Tambien se puede decorar con stickers y con listno de color.

We held an Easter egg hunt in the courtyard; about 80 eggs were hidden and each child was given a bag to gather their eggs into. They all had a great time running around searching for the eggs and then opening them to discover the treats that were inside. Luckily, we had a nice day to do this.

Tovimos una busicada de huevos para el dia de Pascua en la yarda de la iglesia. Avia como 80 huevos que se escondirion y cada nino es le dio una bolsa para ponere sus huevos. Todos  tuvieron un buen tiempo corendo y buscando los huevos y abriando los para ver que tienen adentro. Con suerte el dia estava bonito.

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